What Teas, Foods, And Spices Protect You From Sun?


What? – Can foods offer you protection from the sun’s ultra violet rays. That’s a big deal. You can be protected from the sun’s effects on skin and your looks. Well, research comes up with with 9 items, (teas, foods, spices) that will do exactly that. You still will need the sunscreen though – you can’t avoid that.

Here is a list of the tested teas, foods, and spices that help protect your skin – these are explained in the main article – you can access by  clicking here.

Bright red tomatoes — (better when cooked).

Pumpkin Seeds.

Green and white teas. 

Olive Oil. 

 Orange or red bell peppers.


Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, or kale


Rosemary, sage, parsley, and basil. 

article source: http://www.everydayhealth.com/beauty-pictures/foods-that-fight-photodamage.aspx?xid=aol_eh-skin_2_20140616_&aolcat=HLT#/slide-1
photo source: Google Images http://www.helpful.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_image/images/eat_woman_lunch.jpg

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